Monday, 2 December 2013


Certification - BBFC

We have chosen to certificate our film as a 15. Apart from the gun shooting, our opening scene is quite misleading in terms of content. We are interested in our film being part of the Neo-noir genre and for this to happen, the film is likely to include scenes of, 'strong violence' and 'strong language' but this is not completely the case in the opening. However, one thing that is established in the opening is the fact that there is no real 'moral compass' in our short sequence leading onto the rest of the film. I feel that by making the film a lower rating, some of our target audience, as found from the survey, would be deterred and so effect the popularity of the opening sequence. Some of the violence in the opening sequence could be quite strong and so we won't want to, "dwell on the infliction of pain or injury" thus keeping our film in the 15 rating bracket. The fact that our opening sequence is based on this idea of 'revenge' means that we will have to be careful with the certification due to the problem of, "dangerous behaviour that teens might copy". Due to the fact that we are filming in the UK, a gun is not so easily accessible and so pushing our film into the 15 rated age bracket, where as this might be different in the likes of America where a gun is not so unusual. 


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