Friday, 15 November 2013

Film Noir Influences

Maltese Falcon

  • Starts with establishing shots of San Francisco - similar to the kind of thing Charlie and I want to do in our opening sequence. 
  • Loud orchestral music during establishing shots and then switch to more mysterious style noir music - pan of Bogart spinning around on his chair (tension created by music change).
  • Close up of Bogart's face - we know he is the protagonist in the story and feel an instant connection towards him (mystery is still created).
  • Depth of Field shot - we want to use a wide range of camera techniques in our opening (also adds suspense). 
  • Use of shadows on the wall create a sense of mystery - Despite the use of shadows, Charlie and I want to have a darker feel than this opening and so will use more shadows. 
  • Slight music change when lady walks in and Bogart stands up - creates tension as we don't know who she is and what has happened. 
  • Classic film noir - sets up story before the film has truly begun. We want to produce a similar thing in our film as we are suggesting that it is a 'revenge story' but not revealing why to the audience and therefore adding the modern twist to the classic film noir style. 
  • This opening sequence does employ far more 'conversation' than Charlie and I want to include but is nonetheless an important influence, especially when deciding what kind of film we were going to do. 
(this is the trailer, not what I analysed)


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