Saturday, 15 November 2014

Initial Title Graphics Designs

As part of my research into titles and title graphics, I decided to come up with a 
design in order to ascertain the difficulty involved in different aspects of design, and 
to get a better feel for the look of our trailer. The title used is only a working title, as 
'Two Evils' gives the title a slightly more horror-style feel, which is not something we are looking for.

This first attempt I think can be said to be one of varying success, but it may well
 influence our final design.

There was another attempt before this, however this was attempted using Illustrator 
rather that Photoshop, and using the Rockwell Extra Bold font suggested by Joe in 
his graphics research. My knowledge of Illustrator is limited, and I was attempting to 
get some sort of smoke or cracking effect on the backdrop. The colour scheme is along
 the correct lines but other than this, very few aspects of this titlecard are successful. This 
altogether less successful initial design can be seen here, in the wrong aspect ratio, in the 
name of showing the full process of my designing endeavours.

Following my attempts at still designs for the title card on Photoshop, I moved to Motion to see if
 I could use my ideas from influences, planning, and previous attempts, to create a moving title 
card that would look more effective following a sound boom and dramatic montage. I came up 
with three designs here, and I will ask the group which they think is the most effective.

This first design is monochrome, which I do not think plays into our genre or tone. The smoke effect 
of white on black does have a certain boldness but I personally would not choose this design as the 
final title card.

This design is coloured, and fits better with the colours and tone we intend our trailer to have, but I don't think the smoke effect is as effective as the first design, potentially due to the white text on the brightly coloured backdrop.

I believe that this third design is my strongest. It takes the best points from the still Photoshop 
design and adapts them to a moving Motion image. The colouring is bold and the smoke effect 
gives the feel I think I have been meaning to achieve throughout the design process.


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