Using original working title 'Gamechanger Films':
An Ident idea which I made in order to make the introduction to our trailer
slightly more professional is that Gamechanger Films. With inspirations coming
from companies such as 20th Century Fox and Lionsgate, shown right, we eventually
chose a mixture of the clean font of Columbia and the clean black background of
Universal as the main inspirations. This led us to choosing a font, a design and
whether there was going to be anything in the background. The layer order,
final design, font set up and effects used can be seen in the Photoshop screen
grab below.

Then came the animation, using Sony Vegas, to mix up the software from the
previous ident using Motion, we took this idea of encoding from Encrypted entertainment
and carried it over. Utilization of the TV simulator effect, as well as ready made effects
used in motion and light flares allowed us to create an ident which both looks clean,
professional, and resembles one usually seen professionally. It can be seen below.
Sound may still be added, however a silent ident at the start of a tense film, if done
correctly, has a majorly positive impact on the first act.
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