Wednesday 8 October 2014

Character - Secondary Antagonist influences & Ideas

He is a minor character in our storyline but extremely important nonetheless, because he is the man (whom our main character has been chasing for yours), who is found dead. This opens up a whole new criminal world that was unbeknown to our main protagonist, who is now placed in the middle of it. This character is the man whom our main protagonist has been tracking down for years due to the fact that he killed his partner/best-friend. Our main influence for this character has been Mark Strong from 'Welcome to The Punch', who looks slightly less powerful than some of the characters/actors mentioned in Charlie's post on our main antagonist. This is because he is not as high-up in the 'criminal world' as the main antagonist, which is shown through the fact that he is killed early on and does not hold as much authority in the story. This character only survives through part of act 1 and so is not a major character in that respect but is still important to our storyline and so we need to be careful in how we chose to represent him. Shane Walsh (bottom two photos) is also of influence to us, in terms of his image, when thinking about our second antagonist. 

Another Influence for our secondary antagonist was Vincent Cassel, who has starred in movies, such as 'Eastern Promises' and 'Irreversible', which have influenced us greatly. I particularly like his look (bottom left of collage below) with the slightly long 'blondish' hair, with a black trench-coat in 'Eastern Promises' and would like to replicate something similar to this in our trailer. He is quite similar to the characters above in that he has a slightly 'rough' look about him, suggesting that he is not at the top of the criminal 'food-chain' and is in fact employed by someone (our main antagonist) who is far more powerful than him. 

Collage (above) of some still images of Vincent Cassel in 'Eastern Promises', 'Irreversible' and him in general. 


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