Wednesday 29 October 2014

Ident - Research/Influences

Despite the fact that I view myself as the 'next next' Martin Scorsese, our film does not have the equipment/budget like some of the top films released today, such as 'The Hunger Games' and 'The Hobbit' and for this reason we will not attract companies, such as 'Universal' and 'Paramount' or even any of the 'big six', when producing our film. Having said this, the 'Big Six' are still influential as they are an excellent example of some of the things we can strife for when producing our own ident. The smooth/transitional way they move is interesting and something we should be looking to recreate but on a much lower scale.

We have to be careful when producing our ident as we do not want to sell to the audience a film that is extremely 'high-budget' as it is not something we can deliver. This is why we would like to use some ideas from the 'big six' but will not attempt to emulate them otherwise we could mislead our audience. For this reason, some of our major Ident influences have come from slightly lower-budget movies, whereby the Ident's/logos are more 'edgy' and 'independent'. This fits with our style and is more accessible to create, given our resources/budget. However, due to the 'glossy' nature of our film, we are not looking to create a completely 'independent' style ident, but instead something in-between high and low budget productions.

These are a few examples of some of our mid-budget production ident influences not including our major film influences.

I particularly like the style of the 'Legendary' logo with the unusual symbol and the bold title beneath it. We would perhaps like to create an iconic symbol for our ident/company in order for it to stand out in comparison to other lower/mid-budget companies out their today. To do this, I will sample many different designs until we find one that we particularly like and think would work as an Ident for our film.

Film4 use their same ident in multiple different locations often depending on the genre of the film, which is something I find extremely interesting. They idents are 'littered with references to films in various genres to reflect the channel's diverse output and audience' - (Creative Review - film4's new look). Their different idents have been influential to us as the design is relatively simple and easy to produce but the way they have chosen to present them to the audience stands out in comparison to other idents we have seen. The way they present the audience with their ident in front of different 'ambiguous' surroundings is also influential as the different surroundings suggest a lot about the genre of the film they are about to watch, which is helpful for us when producing our own ident. 

These are just a few of the film4 selected idents as seen above in a video from YouTube:


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