Monday, 15 September 2014

Certification For Influences


We can see here on the IMDB certification ratings that 'Goodfellas' falls into the rated 'R' category (America), which is the equivalent a 15+ rating in this country. It was interesting for us to learn this as we all thought that 'Goodfellas', due to the amount of violence and scenes of profanity involved that the rating would higher. However, it is useful for us to know that the rating is still similar to most of our other crime/thriller influences, despite the increased levels of violence in this particular film and even trailer. 


IMDB states that Zodiac is also a rated 'R' or the equivalent of a 15+ but slightly contradicts itself in that it says that it's suitable for people aged 13 and above in comparison to Goodfellas that states its suitability for children/adults aged 16-17 and above. It is important for us to think about the certification of our film and especially due to the fact that we have identified a target audience and so by recomending the film for an age group that doesn't correlate with out audience research would be a mistake. However, our audience research suggests that our target audience falls into the 15-24/5 age range and so by making our film certification a 15+ would work well.  


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