Friday, 19 September 2014

Secondary Research - Audience

Youtube/IMDB ratings:

Hummingbird Trailer - It is clear from the demographic breakdowns below that this film is most popular with men who are 18 years and below. However, it is almost just as popular with females of a similar age, which is useful for us when developing our product and conducting focus group/vox pop interviews. This is similar to Welcome to The Punch, which is in fact more popular amongst females, which could be down to the fact that the lead actor is James Mcavoy. The ratings clearly show a sharp dip amongst those over the age of around 23-45 but then slowly rise again after this age. This rise is most likely down to the fact that Jason Statham is the lead in the film. We can concur from this graph that the film is more popular amongst men but there is still a large proportion of females who would want to watch it. 

Nearly 8 million youtube views with nearly 10,000 likes and only 687 dislikes. Suggests a lot about the popularity of the film. This, backed up with the user ratings just above are helpful to us as they inform us about the popularity of the film and let us know what age groups and most importantly, what gender we should be targeting our film at. This is vitally important as if, (thinking as though we were real filmmakers) we were to gain a cinema release then knowing the audience we are aiming the film at is undoubtedly important, otherwise we wouldn't make any money. Distribution/Production companies will not go ahead with the making of a film if they are not entirely certain on whom the film is aimed at and this further emphasises the importance of knowing your target audience.    

User Reviews

This is what I've been waiting for
28 June 2013 | by  (England) – See all my reviews

I was glad to see Jason Statham in this film. This was the perfect opportunity for him to showcase his acting talent in a rather dark, dramatic role than the usual action-hero roles that he's better known for...and he made good use of it. This one is quite different from the usual 'a guy seeking redemption' story. It is in many ways an introspective kind of film and it does bring out some emotions and make you feel for the characters portrayed by the lead actors (If you're into these kinds of films, of course). If you're expecting this to be another of his high-octane action-thrillers, you may end up disappointed. But if you're looking forward to watch him in a more existentialist role in a well written crime-drama with a few bits of action in it, you'll definitely like it.

These kind of reviews are also extremely useful for us to read and gather what people have liked and disliked about the particular film. 

Eastern Promises Trailer - It is clear from the user ratings that this film is popular, especially amongst men around the age of 18. It is still extremely favourable amongst females, which is useful for us to know as it is clear that crime/thriller films are just as popular with women as they are with men. This film is clearly popular amongst all ages however as the ratings only differ by .2, except for females under the age of 18. The ratings are also extremely similar in the US compared to non-US users, which suggests that the film was relatable amongst all users and was not culture-specific. Over 1 million views on youtube, with 944 likes compared to 63 dislikes, which again suggests a lot about its popularity.

Gangster Squad Trailer - The trailer of this film on YouTube has gained nearly three million views with 5,241 likes compared to 221 dislikes. It is evident from the user ratings on IMDB that this film is more popular amongst females (6.9 in favour of the females, compared to 6.8 for men). Despite the small difference it is fair to say that this film is just as popular amongst men and women around the age of 15-29. This is useful for us as it gives us a good guideline for which type of audience we should be targeting. However, this movie might have gained for female viewers due to the actors involved, such as Ryan Gosling. Equally, It might have gained for male viewers because the likes of Emma Stone star in it. This movie is significantly less popular amongst the US users in comparison the non-US users, which is also interesting for us to know.


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